Everything You Need For An Awesome Beach Day

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Christmas and other times of the year are great, sure, but when it comes to the best of the best, it’s hard to look past summer. The days are long, the air is warm, and it feels like there’s so much possibility in the world. Not that you need to do anything super ambitious to have a good time during the summer months. Simply spending the day at the beach can be memorable. 

In this blog, we’re going to run through everything you need to have an awesome day at the beach. It’s a guaranteed good time!

The People

There’s something to be said for spending a quiet day at the beach by yourself, but if you want to have the best day ever, then you’ll want to grab some other people to come along with you. So who should be invited? Anyone who likes the beach! The good thing about hanging out in the sun is that it’s so relaxed that you can feel free to invite anyone you like, even if you don’t normally spend time with them. Get them to bring their friends, and you’ll have a solid group of fun-loving people. 

The Set-Up

It’s best to take some supplies with you, especially if you’re planning to set up camp all day. A sun umbrella will be essential since while it’s nice to have the sun on your face sometimes if you’re going to the beach all day, you’ll need to have some protection. That’ll take care of the sunshine. For comfort? There are plenty of modern-looking beach chairs that you can get, but in our view, you really can’t beat a traditional deck chair. It’s a classic for a reason, and even after all these years, it’s still very big on comfort!

The Drinks and Snacks

And now to the fun part: the drinks and snacks! You can’t go wrong with some beers, wine, and a lot of water; put them in a cooler to ensure you stay refreshed all day. If you want to take things further, and that’s something that we do recommend, then take a look at a website that has a recipe for frozen vodka drinks for summer. Trust us when we say that they’ll go down well! You can keep the drink overnight in the freezer; by the time you’re at the beach, it’ll have thawed enough to be truly delicious. 

The Games

You can get the fun going by making some games with you. There are plenty of beach games you can buy, but you can also just take a tennis ball or a frisbee and throw it around. It’s basic but a lot of fun! 

The Music 

Finally, look at taking some music with you! If you have a portable speaker and your phone, you’ll be able to play all those excellent summer songs all day long. Just try to keep the volume at a respectable level — you might love music at the beach, but other people might not.


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