Key Ingredients You Should Always Have for Cheap Cooking

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

When you have to cook on a budget, it can be time-consuming to come up with dishes that are affordable, nutritious, and tasty. You have to think of a variety of things that you can cook to keep things interesting without spending too much. Although it can be hard, one of the things that can be helpful is to keep a stock of essential pantry ingredients. When you have some key ingredients, it’s a lot easier to put together a cheap and tasty meal. Plus, if you can afford to, buying in bulk can save you more money and ensure you always have the right ingredients in stock.

Here are some of the things you should have and what you can do with them if you’re looking for recipe inspiration.


You can’t go wrong with having rice in your pantry. You can do so many things with it, whether it forms part of a main dish or it’s an accompaniment to something. Rice can go with a curry or become egg-fried rice. It can be used in a risotto or get turned into a salad. You can use rice to make jambalaya or even some soups. It can be helpful to have some different types of rice, but it’s definitely not essential. For example, while arborio rice might work best for a risotto, you can make a cheat’s risotto with long-grain rice or other options.

Pasta and Noodles

Whether you’re cooking Italian, Chinese, or even a German-inspired dish, pasta and noodles really come in handy. They’re a good source of carbs so they’ll give you plenty of energy, even if you’re on a budget. It’s also super easy to add some flavor to your choice of pasta or noodles with some cheap ingredients. Following a garlic noodles recipe won’t cost you much and will give you a really flavorful meal. It’s so easy to mix lots of different ingredients with pasta and noodles, from meat and vegetables to sauces and seasonings.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic (which are from the same family) are excellent ingredients to have in your pantry. They impart lots of flavor and they’re generally inexpensive. They will also last a long time too if you store them correctly, especially in comparison to some other vegetables. There are different types of onions you can keep in your pantry, including white onions, yellow onions, shallots, and scallions. Onions can form the base of many dishes and add some key nutrients. Garlic is a key ingredient in many cuisines, so it’s always useful to have some available when you want to add it to anything.

Grains, Beans, and Legumes

Grains and beans are great for vegetarians and vegans to have in particular, but anyone can benefit from having them in their pantry. They often contain lots of protein and energy and they can be good for bulking out lots of recipes in an inexpensive way. You can buy them dry, but be aware that many beans and peas might need to be soaked before you can cook them. Canned or precooked options are also available for a quicker solution. You can use these ingredients for all kinds of things, from salads and soups to stews, chili, casseroles, and more.

Canned Vegetables

There are some vegetables that will keep for a long time if you store them properly. But it can also be very useful to have canned or frozen vegetables on hand. They’re inexpensive, last a long time, and are easy to add to any meal if you want to make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamins. Plus, they don’t have to take up a lot of space, which is ideal if you don’t have a large pantry or much space to store your food.

Seasonings and Flavorings

Of course, it’s also helpful to have some ingredients on hand for flavoring your food. It can be a great way to improve any cheap meal. Seasonings and flavorings can sometimes be a bit pricey, but they also tend to last a long time. Once you’ve paid the upfront cost, you will have them available whenever you want to use them. You can also buy one thing at a time, so you don’t need to buy a whole spice rack and spend a lot of money all at once.

Keeping some key ingredients on hand for cooking cheaply can help you to manage your budget. It will mean you always have the base of a meal so you can put something together whenever you want.


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