Own An Off-Roader? Here’s How To Take Care Of It Properly

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Off-road vehicles must endure more punishment than regular cars. Regularly hurtling down dirt tracks and over obstacles eventually takes its toll. 

Unfortunately, many owners believe that their vehicles are infinitely robust and only require the same level of maintenance as regular on-road cars. Eventually, this leads to depreciation and a shorter vehicle life

So what can you do to protect your off-roader from the ravagers of driving off the beaten track?

Regularly Apply Wax 

If you’re interested in protecting your off-roader against UV damage, moisture and scratches, it’s a good idea to regularly apply protective wax coatings. These make it easier for you to wash your car and also help to keep it looking its best long-term.You can always tell the difference between five-year-old off-road vehicles whose owners regularly wax them, and those who don’t. Many vehicles wind up looking tired and old, well before their time. If you’re not sure which type of wax is best for the type of off-roading you do and your climate, speak with a specialist. 

Pressure Wash Your Vehicle

It can be tempting to start off by scrubbing your vehicle. However, this is a bad idea. There may be sand and grit in the mud which acts like sandpaper, wearing down the paintwork. Instead, start with the pressure washer. It will eliminate mud more rapidly and it will prevent any unwanted abrasive action when you come to apply the final touches. 

Add Protective Rails

When you’re going off-road, the likelihood that you’ll bump into something is much higher than on the road. That’s why Can-Am Defender upgrades typically revolve around improved rails. Owners want to put a physical barrier between their vehicle’s chassis and the rest of the environment. Rails are cheap to replace; bumpers are not. 

Wash The Undercarriage

Unless it’s been a bad winter, you can pretty much forget about cleaning the undercarriage on a regular vehicle. It won’t corrode for many years, if at all. However, the same is not true with off-road vehicles. Washing the undercarriage is essential for getting rid of salty mud that can easily cause damage. If you’re wondering how to wash the underside of your vehicle without putting it in a hoist every time you get home, you’re not alone. The best hack we’ve seen is placing a cheap, rotating sprinkler under your vehicle. This will get rid of all the mud in around 20 minutes, with any remaining specks easily cleared up with the hose. 

Use The Correct Products 

Cleaning your off-road vehicle with the correct products is essential. If you use the wrong type of soap, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Remember, not all soap varieties are beneficial to motor vehicles. In fact, there are many that are downright harmful. Dish soap, for instance, is a big no-no. Only use manufacturer-approved soaps on your off-roader. If in doubt, check the owner’s manual to see what type of washing methods the automaker recommends. Following the instructions will maximize the life of your vehicle. 


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