How To Throw A Surprise Party They’ll Really Love

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Do you find throwing parties just a little bit tricky? Don’t worry, we all do, especially when it comes to trying to surprise a loved one! You need to put on a good spread, get the decorations up in secret, make sure the right people are invited, and then time your event just right to make sure the recipient isn’t suspicious – it’s lots of effort! 

But we’re here to help. A party should always be fun for the person in question, and even a surprise party can go off without a hitch when you know what you’re doing. Here are our expert tips for surprise party planning. 

Investigate to Find Their Perfect Party Setup

If you want to set the party up just right, you’ll need some first-hand ideas from the person themselves. You’ll have to be sneaky here, but it’s totally possible to ask some poignant questions and go undetected. Ask them what the best party they’ve ever been to is, or what kind of Unique Christmas Gifts they’ve received in the past. Have a little gossip about recent celebrity parties and get their opinions on decorations, outfits, and even the food that was served. Generate some ideas right now and then you can ask their closest confidants for verification. 

Early Preparation of Easy Set-up Decorations

Decorating for a surprise party can be stressful, so to ensure it succeeds it is important to choose decorations that will be easy to set up and still have maximum impact. It is beneficial to be familiar with the guest of honor’s preferences and favorite colors in order to create a setting they will adore. Fresh flowers are a great substitute for DIY paper flowers as they add an extra special element that only real flower petals can bring. Customized paper cups and plates with special messages on them make personal touches easier and faster than ever. Furthermore, instead of balloons, you should use customized inflatables that come in a wide range of designs, sizes, and styles perfectly designed to fit every theme. Except for being easy to set up Inflatable decorations are more fun and interactive than balloons, adding more entertainment options to the party.

Devise a Menu Early

The food you’ll be serving needs to be spot on, as it’s usually the main reason anyone attends a party in the first place! You also need to set out a potential menu as soon as possible, to give you time for reworks later on, as well as to ask for dietary needs for any guest that’s attending. If some people are vegan, you’ll need meat and dairy free options. If someone has a walnut allergy, you’ll have to make sure any baked goods in the buffet are nut free. And checks like these take a lot of work to get through! 

The Entrance is the Most Important Element

Getting the person there without revealing anything is the most important part of surprise planning. Things need to look and seem normal, with nothing out of place, while everyone gets into position and the whole place is dressed up as a stunning scene. To throw someone off the scent, why not invite them for a night in with you? This’ll work wonders if you’re throwing the party at your place. Or if not, you can plan a night out together and ask them to meet you at yours first – keep it simple and casual and they won’t catch on at all. 

Keep the Invites Secret

Finally, you don’t want paper invites going round – anyone could see them! Instead, make up a group chat that only the guests are able to join and send the invitation through it. Plus, if all the info is down in one place, and they can easily come back to check it, they’re unlikely to forget to show up! 

Want to surprise someone? Plan well in advance! 


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