9 Ways To Treat Yourself At The Weekend

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Most people work extremely long hours Monday to Friday. The average person is putting in at least 45 hours per week in the office. And many people go beyond fifty. That’s a lot. When you do all that hard work, you need to treat yourself from time to time. And the weekend is the perfect opportunity to do it. The more you can relax and unwind, the better off you’ll be.  But what, exactly, should you be doing? Let’s take a look. 

Buy Some Artwork You’re Interested In

We all need beauty in our lives. But when you live in a traffic-congested city, it can be hard to find. That’s where artwork comes into the picture. Having it in your home can elevate your mood and leave you feeling much better emotionally and spiritually. 

Sign Up For Calligraphy

Steve Jobs took a calligraphy class before founding Apple. The rockstar CEO found it therapeutic and a lot of fun. Plus, it gave him the inspiration for the beautiful typefaces he would later implement in Apple products. Getting started with calligraphy is easy. There are usually dozens of courses in your local area, all led by expert instructors.

Throw A “Me” Party

If you’ve never thrown a “me” party before, you’re missing out. It’s a great way to show yourself some appreciation for all the hard work you’ve done. Make some homemade corn dogs, put the TV on, play your favorite music and dance around the home. Light a candle, grab a home massage, and generally pamper yourself. 

Take A Nap

Once the week’s work is done, your body will usually tell you that it needs a rest. When you get the signal, indulge yourself. The weekend is meant to be time out. 

Hire Someone To Clean Your House

You’ve been working all week. The last thing you want is to have to spend the weekend cleaning. That’s why it’s sometimes nice to pay a cleaner to come to your home and do all the chores for you. We’re not saying this is something you should do every weekend, but it helps every once in a while. 

Buy Some New Skin Care Products

Love K-beauty? Why not invest in some of the country’s world-famous skin care products. Give yourself “glass skin” and look your best. 

Sleep In

On the weekend, you don’t need to wake up at the crack of dawn. You can afford to spend an extra couple of hours in bed. After all, you’ve worked hard all week. It’s your prerogative. 

Go To The Ice Cream Parlor

Everyone knows that the real reason for going to the beach is ice cream. So why not treat yourself? Go to a parlor and try a flavor you’ve never had before. Cardamom anyone?

Go For A Manicure

Lastly, why not go for a manicure? Today, they’re affordable and available all over the country. And they can make your nails look great. Choose your glitters, treatments and rhinestones. Find something that goes with your Saturday night party outfit.


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