Making Your Motorcycle More Comfortable

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

There’s nothing like the thrill of riding a motorcycle at great speed through beautiful surroundings with the wind in your hair to make you feel truly alive. But, anyone who has ever ridden a motorcycle will know that they are not always the most comfortable of vehicles.

The good news is, there are a lot of simple things you can do to make every motorcycle ride more comfortable, including the following:

Install a windshield

One thing that will really help to increase the comfort of your ride is installing a Harley Davidson windshield. It will help to prevent the wind from blasting you in the face and upper body, which means you will not have to move your body into uncomfortable angles quite so much to stay stable. It will also help to prevent you from getting dust and dirt in your eyes, which is always a bonus for those times when you want to leave your visor up.

Adjustable levers

Adjustable levers are a great addition to any motorcycle. They will make for a much smoother ride overall, and many riders find that shorter levers are more comfortable for them to operate too.

Heated grips

If you hate feeling cold when you’re off on a motorcycle adventure, one thing that will really help is fitting a set of heated grips that will warm up your hands nicely. When your hands are warm, they’re also less likely to seize up, which means that you are less likely to have an accident when using them too.

If you don’t want to go to the trouble of fitting heated grips, then you can buy heated motorcycle gloves which are almost as good.

Tank bags

If you’re riding with luggage, then fitting a set of tank bags to your bike will mean you can carry them with you without having to wear a bulky backpack that is not always very convenient. They can fit a surprising amount in, so you could easily do a little shopping before riding home.

Padded seats

Investing in padded seats is a no-brainer if you often find that your rear end gets sorted or numb on long riders. The more padding you have in the rump, the more you will feel at one with the bike and the more fun you will have when you aren’t constantly shifting around as little as the bike will allow.

Good leathers

If you are someone who rides regularly, and you don’t have a good set of leather for riding, then you should think about investing in a set as soon as you are able. Not only do good booker’s leathers help to protect your body should you fall off and have an accident, but they are great at keeping you warm in the winter, and are surprisingly breathable in warmer weather too. Oh, and you’ll look great in them of course!

When your motorcycle is more comfortable, you truly feel at one with it, which means those exhilarating motorcycle journeys are even more thrilling.

Anything to keep you focused

Installing all of the above on your motorcycle will ensure you’re comfortable on adventures. But maybe there are a few things not included? Think about whatever else can help make your ride smoother, more enjoyable, and much safer. Being comfortable while out on adventures will ensure you’re focused every step of the way. For example, a pair of noise-canceling earphones are useful to help you focus on the road and ensure that no distractions can break your concentration. Distractions can lead to accidents which is why they must be avoided. If you are involved in an accident, you should consider talking to a motorcycle accident lawyer from Farmer & Morris. Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, so having a lawyer that is experienced in motorcycle law can ensure you get the best possible outcome. 


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