Effective Tips To Help You Get A Modern Perm You Won’t Hate 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Effective Tips To Help You Get A Modern Perm You Won’t Hate 

The perm has been a popular hairstyle throughout history. It’s believed that the perm was first created in 19063 by a Swiss hairdresser. Of course, the techniques used today are significantly more advanced and perms have gone in and out of fashion.  It’s now making a comeback. But, the modern perm is a looser, less over-the-top affair than its predecessors. That makes it easier to live with and better for most face types.   However, to get a modern perm you won’t hate you need to know the following.  

The Right Stylist 

Most stylists can do a perm but not all love doing them or are aware of the many different types of perm or the detail required to get a great perm. In short, if you want a great-looking perm that is modern and something you’re happy to live with, you need to find a stylist that loves creating perms. Check with friends to see who they recommend and do your homework before sitting in their chair.  

Prepare Yourself 

The stylist may create the perm but you’re going to need to look after it. That means before you have your hair permed, invest in the best hair curlers and wavers currently available. The best aids have plates that won’t damage your hair while you’re styling and they have adjustable temperature controls. It’s advisable to use the lowest setting possible.  Alongside the right tools to maintain your perm, you’ll need products designed for use with curly hair. It’s best if these products are also natural, which means no chemicals in the ingredients.  

Check The Styles 

There are many different types of perm available. That includes the loose perm, tight perm, spiral perms, volumizing perms, and even multi-textured perms.  Take the time to look at the different options available and select the one that best suits your hair and image. It’s important to know what you want before you go to our stylist. It will ensure they are cutting the style you want not the style they think will suit you.  

Get Advice 

Your stylist will cut and curl your hair to get the best possible perm. It should look modern, light, and leave you feeling glamorous. Make sure you are happy with it before you leave the hairdresser.  You also need to ask for their advice, although they should freely offer it. The stylist can’t do your hair every morning, you have to. It’s important that your stylist shares any tips they have to help when you’re styling and maintaining your perm.  

Doing It Yourself 

It is possible to perm your own hair, your decent curlers will help. But, it’s not advisable as it is easy to get it wrong and end up with a perm that doesn’t look like what you hoped. It can often end in the need to wear hats for several weeks.  

Using a professional stylist will ensure the job is done properly and you have a modern perm you can be proud of.  




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