Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults 

It is not uncommon for adults to have experienced some form of trauma as a child, whether it be physical, emotional, or psychological. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize the signs of repressed childhood trauma until it manifests itself in adulthood. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as other physical and mental health issues. Let’s look at some common signs that you might be dealing with repressed childhood trauma.  

Difficulties Establishing Relationships  

One of the most common signs of repressed childhood trauma is difficulty establishing relationships with friends, family members, and romantic partners. Traumatized individuals often struggle to build meaningful connections because they fear being hurt or rejected again. In addition, they may have a hard time trusting others due to past experiences and find themselves pushing away those who try to get close to them.  

Avoidance Tactics  

People with repressed childhood trauma may also use avoidance tactics as a way to cope with their unresolved issues. This could include avoiding certain activities or situations that bring back memories of the traumatic event(s), such as holding a particular job or visiting certain places that remind them of the past. They may also try to block out the pain by using drugs or alcohol in an attempt to numb their feelings and make it easier for them to cope on a day-to-day basis.  

Anxiety and Depression  

Repressed childhood trauma can also lead to anxiety and depression in adulthood if left untreated for too long. Individuals may feel anxious about everyday activities, such as going out in public or meeting new people, because of fear associated with past traumas resurfacing. Additionally, they may experience bouts of depression due to the heavy weight these unresolved issues can have on one’s mental health over time if left unchecked for too long. 

Negative Self-Talk and Low Self-Esteem  

Adults who have experienced severe childhood trauma often suffer from low self-esteem and negative self-talk. Despite clear evidence, they may speak down to themselves or feel they cannot accomplish anything worthwhile. If you notice that someone is consistently putting themselves down and making excuses for why they can’t reach their goals, it could be a sign of repressed childhood trauma.  

Difficulty Maintaining Relationships  

Another sign of repressed childhood trauma is the difficulty maintaining relationships. People who have suffered from traumatic experiences in childhood often struggle with trust issues later on in life, which can make forming meaningful connections with others difficult. This lack of trust can cause feelings of social isolation and exacerbate feelings of depression or anxiety.  

Difficulty Coping With Stressful Situations  

When faced with a stressful situation, many people will feel overwhelmed, and experience heightened emotions such as fear or anger. While this is normal for everybody, those who have experienced severe trauma as children may find these situations far more difficult to cope with than others do. They may become overly anxious or find themselves unable to think clearly or logically when confronted by anything resembling their past traumas.  


Recognizing any signs of repressed childhood trauma in adults is essential for understanding your own mental health issues and seeking appropriate treatment options if needed. It is important to remember that everyone reacts differently to traumatic experiences, so what works for one person might not work for another. Therefore, developing an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and circumstances is necessary. With proper support and care, you can learn how to cope with the effects of past traumas in order to lead a healthier life going forward. 



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