The Pros & Cons Of Buying A Motorcyle Vs A Car

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

It’s time to buy a new vehicle, and you’re at a bit of an impasse. You’ve always driven a car, but you also have a license to ride a motorcycle. Lately, the lure of owning a motorcycle is taking over – it’s something you’re genuinely thinking about. There’s just one problem: you’re unsure whether it’s a sensible idea to get a motorcycle vs getting a car. 

Clearly, there are plenty of things to know before buying a motorcycle. But, one of the key questions is how this vehicle will stand up against a car. The only logical way to find an answer is through a good old-fashioned pros and cons list! 

Buying a Motorcycle: The Pros

Compared to a car, motorcycles can offer the following benefits:

  • Generally much cheaper – This includes the cost of buying a motorcycle and the cost of maintaining it. As you can see on sites like TX Toy Sales, you can get some really good barely-used motorcycles for under $10,000. Comparatively, if you want a used car for a similar price, it will be fairly old and outdated. More importantly, motorcycles are cheaper to insure and maintain, saving money every month. 
  • Faster & better in built-up areas – Motorcycles are nippier and can squeeze through traffic with ease. This makes them more convenient in built-up areas that tend to have lots of traffic jams. 
  • Easier to park – You never have to worry about finding parking spaces on a motorcycle. Due to their size, they can be parked pretty much anywhere without any struggles.

Buying a Motorcycle: The Cons

Conversely, there are some disadvantages to buying a motorcycle vs a car:

  • Increased safety concerns – Obviously, you are surrounded by strong metal and other protective materials while you drive a car. Motorcycles are open, as well as being much smaller and lighter. So, they are unquestionably less safe than cars. 
  • A lack of space – The other big downside is that motorcycles lack any space. If you’re lucky, there’s room for one passenger behind you. But, it’s not a vehicle that can hold your entire family, plus shopping, and maybe some luggage. There’s a big tick in the practicality box for cars when compared to motorbikes. 
  • Not convenient for families or couples – Following on from the previous point, two-wheeled vehicles are not convenient for anyone other than a single person. If you live with a partner, you can both share a car with relative ease. However, it’s much harder to share a motorcycle. If you have a family, you almost always need a car alongside the motorcycle, rendering the motorcycle pointless. 

After reviewing the pros and cons, there’s a decent conclusion that comes to mind. Motorcycles are beneficial if you live by yourself or already have a car. They offer a faster and more affordable way of getting around, yet they lack the practicality and convenience of a car for families. If you have a family, the chances are you will need a car at the very least. You could get a motorcycle alongside this, but it’s impractical to have a motorbike as your only family vehicle. 


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