Pros & Cons Of Renting A Car During A Trip To The US

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

You’ve made your way to the United States for a lovely vacation. You’ll be there for a week or two, and you plan on seeing as much of the country as possible. Understandably, this makes you ask a simple question: what’s the best way to travel around the USA?

On the one hand, you have public transport – which comes with some positives and negatives. On the other hand, you could rent a car. Many people opt for the second option, but is it really that good of an idea? To help you make a more informed decision, we look at the pros and cons of renting a car during a trip to the US. 

Pros of US car rental

The biggest tick in the advantages column is the added convenience of renting a car. You’re free to go wherever you want, whenever you want. It allows you to have a more efficient and productive trip as you don’t waste time waiting for public transport or trying to figure out how to get from A to B using buses or trains. 

Secondly, public transport in the US isn’t that great. This doesn’t mean it’s unreliable, but rather the public transport links are much worse than you’d expect. Most cities have outdated public transport systems, and it’s more challenging than you think to go from one city to another using trains or coaches. With a car, you don’t have to worry about this. 

Finally, you can see more of the country when you have a rental car. Part of the added convenience of rental cars is that they let you visit attractions you can’t reach via public transport. Instead of getting a train and two buses to reach somewhere remote, you can do it all in one car journey; simple!

Cons of US car rental

Arguably the biggest downside is the cost of renting a car. Clearly, it’s going to add a few hundred dollars to your trip, which may be too much for some travelers. 

Secondly, some states in the US have really strict laws relating to DUIs. As Schwaner P.C. DWAI lawyer explains, you can be charged with drinking while ability impaired if you have the slightest bit of alcohol in your system. Clearly, you don’t intend to drive while under the influence. But, if you’re on holiday, you might have a glass of wine with dinner one day. Normally, this would be fine, but in some states, it could be enough to get you charged with drunk driving

Lastly, there’s the difficulty of driving in another country. If you’re from the UK or another country that drives on the left-side of the road, this can be a huge change for you. The roads are different too, as are the drivers. For some, this is too stressful, meaning public transport is a better option. 

All in all, the best advice is to look at your budget and how comfortable you are driving. Also, consider what you want to do during your trip. If you wish to travel to different cities/states, renting a car is the ideal method. But, if you stay within one location, perhaps it’s better to save money and use the public transport system instead. 


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