All opinions are mine and mine alone.
Losing weight isn’t easy. After all, you may find that you are constantly surrounded by temptation and that you also have a busy lifestyle to juggle as well. Luckily, there are things that you can do to make your weight-loss journey a little easier. Take a look below to see what delicious foods you could include in your diet.
Whole Eggs
Whole eggs were once feared for being high in cholesterol. That being said, they are now making a comeback. A lot of people once believed that whole eggs were high in fat and therefore should be avoided. This is no longer the case because new studies have found that eggs are incredibly dense in nutrients. They also contain a lot of heart-healthy fats, so as long as you eat them in moderation you shouldn’t have a problem. Feeling satiated can help you to stop yourself from overeating and eggs are ideal for this, as they contain a very high amount of protein. If you want to reap the benefits, try and eat around 10 eggs every week.
Leafy Greens
Leafy greens can include collard greens, spinach, kale and even Swiss chard. Vegetables like this are essential if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Studies have found that leafy greens like this contain high amounts of thylakoids, which is a plant compound. This has been linked to increased satiety and better appetite management. If you incorporate more leafy greens into your diet, then you should find that you can reduce cravings while also learning how to respond to your body’s hunger cues.
Peanut Butter
A lot of people look at peanut butter as being unhealthy and incredibly bad for you. Even though peanut butter is high in calories, it can keep you fuller for longer. A lot of this comes down to the high protein content. If you want to incorporate peanut butter into your diet, then it is wise to do so in moderation. It may be that you try and make a banana peanut butter smoothie or that you have peanut butter with your morning granola, so you can get the boost you need for the day.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish such as salmon is incredibly dense in nutrients. It is also very satisfying. The great thing about salmon is that it is loaded with quality protein, healthy fats and various vitamins. This combination can help to keep you satiated, so you can maintain a better weight. Salmon is loaded with omega-3, and this can help you to reduce inflammation. Inflammation can play a huge role in metabolic disease and what’s more, is that seafood in general contains huge amounts of iodine. This nutrient is vital for thyroid function. If you want to eat more fatty fish but find it hard to incorporate it into your diet, then tinned fish is also very good for you. You can stir it into pasta, or you can simply have it as part of a sandwich for your lunch. This eliminates a lot of the prep work if you live a busy lifestyle.

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