How To Improve Your Sleep 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How To Improve Your Sleep 

Some people have problems when it comes to getting the sleep their body needs to be healthy and energized. This can lead them to become ill a lot because their immune system isn’t working in the way it should, it can lead to a lack of productivity at work due to fatigue, and it can cause problems in relationships because of irritability. And these are just a few of the issues that lack of sleep can cause.  

If you find that you struggle to get to sleep or stay asleep for the entire night, there are a number of things you can do to help yourself and improve the chances of sleeping well. If none of these ideas work, it’s best to get help and advice from an expert to determine the underlying cause. In the meantime, read on for some ideas to help you.  

Install Better Curtains 

Many of the problems people face when it comes to their sleep (or lack thereof) come from exterior factors. Sometimes these are literally things that are happening outside, and a bright streetlamp, the moon, or the way the bedroom window faces (meaning that sunrise can be a disturbing factor) should all be taken into account. It might be that these outside light sources are affecting your sleep.  

Although there is nothing you can do to remove them, there is a way you can block them out. Most curtains will have gaps around them, allowing some outside light to creep in. If this is the case for you, it’s time to explore how made to measure curtains would help you. These curtains are designed especially for your specific window, and they can block out a lot more outside light than something you would buy off the shelf. 

Ear Plugs 

It’s not just light from outside that can interfere with your sleep; sound can as well. Even if it doesn’t physically wake you up, a noise like a car or even birds singing outside your window can disturb your sleep enough to confuse your circadian rhythm, and you might find you either wake up too early or you don’t feel rested even if you wake up at the normal time.  

If this could be the issue, why not try ear plugs at night? Good ear plugs will block out any external sound and make it much easier for you to get a good night’s sleep. Make sure you buy foam ones as they are more comfortable and reduce the risk of irritation. If you use an alarm clock to wake up, you can invest in a vibrating one instead of one that wakes you with noise. In fact, vibrating alarm clocks are better for you, so you’ll be helping yourself in many ways with this change.  

White Noise Machine 

Sleeping in silence can be ideal for some, but for others it’s unnerving. If that is something you’ve found before, a white noise machine could be the perfect solution. A white noise machine will play comforting sounds like rain falling or the sea lapping at the sand. The noise is meant to be background noise to help you relax and fall asleep.  

You can buy a white noise machine or, if you prefer, you can download an app to your phone. You can even find white noise videos on YouTube to play, although this might diminish your battery, and you’ll need to ensure there is no light emitting from your phone if you use it in this way, as that can cause problems like the ones we mentioned above. 


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