How to Ensure Yourself That You’re a Good Driver

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

We all believe we’re the best drivers out there. Chances are, every time you’re out on the road, you’re probably remarking on how someone is driving, running red lights, or even how they park. It can happen, and it’s honestly normal; nearly all drivers (and non-drivers) do this. But are you a good driver? How can you feel sure that you’re a good driver, a safer driver? There are ways that you can tell if you’re a good driver or not. So if you’re wondering, then you can keep reading on to find out more!

Do You Know All the Rules to the Road? 

Chances are, your answer is yes, especially if you have already book drive test years ago. You have your license, which is basically the best giveaway that you do know the rules of the road. But do you frequently follow the rules of the road? Generally speaking, there might be rules that slipped your mind, or you may believe is irrelevant. This is honestly pretty common for drivers, especially for those who have been driving for years.  

Knowing the rules of the road can help you avoid accidents and ensure your safety on the road. This includes driving within the law, being aware of your surroundings, and observing other road users. It never hurts to look into your region’s manual, as the rules could have potentially changed since the last time you studied. 

Be a Courteous Driver

This isn’t just as simple as not having road rage but being pleasant to yourself and to others while you’re on the road. If you want to find enjoyment, then you need to have this mentality.  Being a good driver is all about being courteous to other drivers and pedestrians on the road. Whether you’re on a highway or driving around a city, being polite to other road users will help prevent accidents and ensure everyone has a safe journey. 

Be sure to thank other drivers when they do something for you, such as letting you in at a traffic light or giving you a bit of space on a narrow road. A hand gesture or a flash of the rear indicators can go a long way to showing them that they’re appreciated. These are all small, but it’s going to help a lot with ensuring that you’re an excellent driver. 

Try Not to Let Other Drivers Intimidate You

This is thankfully rare and is mostly shown on TV and in movies, but it’s not something that’s too common. However, this doesn’t mean it doesn’t actually happen, because it can, especially those with large vehicles such as semi-trucks. Just try not to let drivers intimidate you; all it’s going to do is lead to more accidents than what should be happening in the first place. The best way to avoid letting other drivers intimidate you is to practice empathy and kindness. Try to remember that they may have a bad day or are driving on the wrong side of the road. While this may sound overly simplistic, it’s essentially the truth


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