Is It Time To Upgrade Your Car?

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Knowing when the right time to upgrade your car is staring you in the face might not be as easy as you think. Most of the time, we grow attached to our vehicles and are unwilling to admit it is time to upgrade. Or, there might be a specific car you are saving for. Sometimes the hesitation is that it is the first big purchase you have ever made, and taking the plunge is exciting but feels scary too! 

No matter if you are looking for an older model with a tight budget or are scoping out those Ram 1500 incentives, here are some tips for you to know for sure it is time to upgrade. 


As we get older, our life goes through so many phases. One minute we are young and free, and the car doesn’t need more than two seats and a radio. Over time we size up to accommodate car seats and pet cages. Then little by little, the car seat gets sized down, and then, before you know it, you are back to only needing a two-seat maximum. 

As your lifestyle changes, it is essential to take a look at what you need now and what you will need in the near future. Lifestyle changes mean car changes – so make sure your car is ready. 


If your car is costing more than it is worth, going through more gas than usual, or needing repairs every other month – it is time to go. The car is no longer valuable and is costing more than it is worth. Most of the time, we don’t notice when the car has become a money pit for a short while because we have become used to the costs of everyday living rising. Gas guzzling starts to happen as the car gets older because it is less efficient, and the first place you will notice it is the wallet. But you might need to step back and take a look at – is it your car, or is it the cost of living? If the car never passes its annual tests or needs excessive repairs to make it through, then it is time for it to go. 


Would you trust your car to take you on a long trip? Would you trust your vehicle to help keep you and your family safe in a crash? If the answer is no, and the trust in the car has gone, then it is time to upgrade so something you feel more comfortable driving. Over time even when a car is looked after well, there are things that happen to the body and engine that mean it deteriorates. And while there is no shortage of classics and big 4x4s that are still trucking 40 or 50 years later, not all cars are built the same. 

Perhaps you aren’t in a position yet to get an upgrade, and one of the most important things for you to do is to cut the costs of the car you are currently driving: 13 Things Every Car Owner Should Have to Save Money


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