Top Tips to Spend More Time in Nature

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Top Tips to Spend More Time in Nature

Over the last several decades, more and more people have found that they spend the majority of their time indoors. Whether it is because of work, or relaxing in their free time, less time is being spent outside in nature. This can eventually have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental, and even physical health. So, if you are looking for a way to get yourself away from mindlessly scrolling on social media, and out into nature, here are a few top tips to consider implementing into your lifestyle, or to make the most of your next day off.

Plan family days out

Having a family can be a very time-consuming, and often busy lifestyle. However, this shouldn’t stop you from spending time outdoors or in nature, as you can actually use the fact that you are a family to your advantage. If you are looking to spend more time outdoors, why not hit two birds with one stone and do it as a family unit? This way not only will you be able to spend more time in nature, but you will be able to enjoy it with the company of your loved ones too. You could do this by visiting your local beach, lake, mountain range, or woodland together. 

Pick an active outdoor hobby 

There are many outdoor hobbies that can be enjoyed either by yourself or as part of a group. But no matter what activity it is that you enjoy, choosing something that you can do outdoors will often provide you with more exposure to nature. Of course, there are outside sports such as baseball, or football that confine you to a more artificial outdoor environment. So, if you are looking for something that gets you out in nature a bit more then why not consider one of the following?


Grab yourself a kayak and get yourself out on a lake, or even into the sea to cool down in the warmer months. If you are brave enough this hobby can also be done in autumn, winter, and spring too.


There are many ways in which to enjoy this hobby, all of which will get you out and about, moving in nature, from mountain biking to exploring different areas on road bikes. Cycling is not only a fast way to get around but can provide you with both a leisurely or exhilarating experience depending on your preference.

Wild swimming

If you really want to try something different, why not get involved with some wild swimming? Not only will you be in nature, but there are supposedly many health benefits that can be gained from cold water exposure.

Find new places to explore

If you find that you are not spending much time outside in nature, then it could be that you are just not excited, or motivated enough by the areas that surround you. Why not challenge yourself to research and find a new area that you have never visited before? You can go alone, with friends or family, and see if that helps rekindle some excitement for spending time outside, and in nature.

However busy your lifestyle is, and no matter how tired you are, you should always look to spend some time outside and in nature. Why not try out one of these top tips when you have time?


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