The First 3 Steps To Start A Vegetable Garden 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The First 3 Steps To Start A Vegetable Garden  

With how expensive vegetables have gotten over the last few years, it’s no wonder gardens are growing in popularity. Not only can you save money, though, but you are also able to eat healthier since fresh vegetables have more nutrients. It can be intimidating to start a garden, however.   

There is a lot to know from which vegetables to plant, to which gardening tools you need, and also how to maintain the garden. The best thing to do is start at the beginning and learn a few basics. In this article, we will go over the first steps to get you started.  

1 – Plan it out  

Creating a plan for your vegetable garden is the first step. Having a plan is like having a blueprint to go by so you are less likely to make a mistake during the growing season.   

The first thing to consider is where your garden will be. The best spot is to place it where there is at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.Most vegetables love sunlight.   

Next, you’ll need to decide how big your garden will be and how it will be laid out. If you’re a beginner, it’s a good idea to start small. A small garden is easier to manage, and you can always expand in the future. You’ll be surprised how much production you can get even when you only have a few plants.   

Finally, it’s time to choose what vegetables you will grow. Think about what you and your family like to eat. There’s no point in growing beets if no one in your house will eat them. Start with easy to grow vegetables like tomatoes, zucchine, cucumbers, and herbs.  

2 – Prepare the garden bed  

The next important step is to prepare your garden bed. This is where your vegetables will be planted, so it’s important to get it right. For a beginner, I highly recommend a raised bed.   

Raised beds are great because they need less weeding and can be easier on your back. To make a raised bed, you’ll need to build or buy a frame. This frame can be made of wood, stone, or even recycled materials. Once the frame is ready, it’s filled with soil.  

You should then buy some garden soil for raised beds that is already mixed with plenty of organic material to put in the bed.   

3 – Plant your vegetables  

With your garden bed prepared it’s finally time to get your hands dirty and plant your vegetables. Now the choice is between seeds and transplants.   

Seeds are a popular choice for many gardeners since they’re inexpensive and widely available. However, starting from seeds isn’t always the easiest way to go, especially for beginners. It takes experience to know how to start seeds and when to plant them in the garden bed.   

Transplants are young plants that have already been started from seeds. They can be bought at a nursery or garden center and are the best choice for beginner gardeners. 




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