How to Keep Your Car Clean When You Have Kids

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

If you are like most people you probably love having a clean car. However, if you have kids you know that things can go topsy-turvy very fast. 

When you have kids, the mess seems to have magical powers that keep it growing faster than you can control it. It’s not hard to start feeling overwhelmed. Before you start turning into the busy bee who keeps cleaning one mess after another in frustration, here are some tips that will help.

Have Lots of Wipes and Napkins

If your kids are going to be in your car you automatically know that there is going to be a mess. If you know that a calamity is going to strike then the best way to offset it is to prepare for the damage. Stock up on lots of wipes and napkins. Since you know you’re going to need them in abundance, go to bulk stores when they have massive discount sales. Having these available will prevent you from feeling like you want to pull your hair out when you see all the mess that is happening. You will already be ready. This is a surefire way to reduce frustration.

Clean them Up

If you don’t want a mess in your vehicle then it’s a good idea to clean the kids up before you will put them in the vehicle.  Scrub them up before you allow them to touch anything in your car. Clean up those tiny fingers and wash any smudges off of their faces. Once you get them cleaned up you can then allow them to go in the vehicle. 

This gives you a higher guarantee that when you do reach your destination your vehicle will still be as clean. When you get home the only thing on your containment mats will be what your wheels picked up on the road.

Suction Is Your Friend

The best way to take care of a mess and make sure that it doesn’t spread it’s a clean-up as soon as it happens. This means that the handy little suction machine that you call a vacuum will be your best friend in no time. 

As soon as you see crumbs and dirt or anything remotely messy dropping on the floor of your car, spring into action and turn your vacuum machine into a superhero.

Have Plastic Bags Ready

You must have plastic bags on hand to catch any mess that falls to the ground. Whenever you go to the grocery store and you get plastic bags for packing your food do not throw them away.  

Save them, you will need them for your many trips. It’s not just for tiny messes. You never know when one of your kids will have an upset stomach and then make it obvious what they had for dinner or breakfast by throwing up.  Having these little bags ready to clean up the mess and to throw just about anything in, can be the difference between, a drive that makes you cringe and one that you can live with. 

Go Washable

Investing in heavy-duty car mats is something that you should consider when you have kids riding in your vehicle. You might even be able to turn your kids into mini car washers by getting them to help you clean up these mats. They are easy to clean and your kids will have fun hosing them down while playing with the water in the backyard. It also means less work for you.


The statement that children live what they learn is very true! The same goes for your car.  Your children need to get used to seeing your car neat and organizedOnce they get into the rhythm of seeing things clean, they will fall in line.

Get rid of all the things in your car that you do not need in there. Those cute fuzzy bedroom slippers that ended up in the car one morning when you forgot to take them off or that toy soldier that has been sitting in the back seat keeping guard for months need to go.  Once it doesn’t serve a purpose you should toss it and get things cleaned up.

Keep Your Car Amazing

You’re now aware of everything you should do to get your little ones, to respect the sanctity of your car by keeping it as clean as possible. It can be a little challenging at first so don’t give up if they seem to be screaming and rebelling against the cleanliness that you are enforcing. Over time once they get used to having to clean up and keep themselves clean when in your car, it will become easier for you to keep your vehicle looking pristine at all times.


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