Organizing the Kids for an Easier Life

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Organizing the kids is not as easy as some people think. Life gets in the way, and kids are, well, kids. However, there are a few things you can try, like getting them to tidy their toys and helping around the house. Teaching them responsibility is vital, but there are some other things as well.

Take the Chore Out of Lunch

Making lunch for one child isn’t really an issue. But with multiple kids, it can be a nightmare. Little Tommy doesn’t like this, and Lisa can’t eat that. Preparing the night before is a massive help, but there is no one blanket approach to what kids will eat. But lunch options and on the go snacks from Yumble offer a vast selection of nutritious, delicious, and healthy food for even the fussiest child. From peanut butter oat bars to mac & cheese lunch bags, Yumble has it covered.

Teach the Kids to Put Away their Toys

Teaching the kids to put away their toys can save you a bit of time each night and teaches them a bit of responsibility. But there is also a serious reason. In the US alone, there are over 200,000 toy-related accidents and injuries each year. Stray roller skates, loose video games, and of course, the LEGO you didn’t see while barefoot. It can help to make it a house rule that all toys must be put away after using them, or they will be taken away as punishment for leaving them.

Organizing the Kids Means Balancing Time

It can feel like time is not your friend when you have children to sort out. This can be challenging for stay-at-home parents and an absolute nightmare if you also work. But don’t worry because you aren’t alone if you feel this way. Balancing time is a skill and it takes time to master. You know those parents who seem to have everything under control? Well, they almost certainly didn’t start out like that. Checklists, to-do lists, and establishing routines will all help you here.

Get them Involved in Light Chores

There’s an entire family living in your home. So why on Earth should you do all the chores? No one is suggesting your kids become the next Cinderella. But getting them involved in light chores will help you save time and teach them the value of a clean home. For instance, have your kids bring down their dirty laundry on laundry day. And teach them the importance of a hygienic bathroom. Some teens can be challenging, but younger kids actually enjoy helping.

Stock Up on Essentials Each Store Visit

You can’t be running back and forth between your home and the supermarket every day when you have kids. So why make it so hard on yourself? While at the store, pick up essentials that you need for the week or even the month. For instance, grab as many diapers as your toddler needs. Or stock up on bread for sandwiches during the school week. Think about things that get used up quickly, and grab as many as your household typically goes through each day or week.


You can use pre-prepared lunch and snack services to keep the kids organized. And there’s also learning to balance your time well and stocking up on any essentials that your kids need.


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