The Ultimate Guide On Bringing Nature Indoors When Decorating  

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The Ultimate Guide On Bringing Nature Indoors When Decorating  

Decorating our homes with a touch of nature is a great way to bring the outside in. We often think about decorating outdoor gardens to have a bit of nature at home, but we can also do the same thing inside. This not only makes our living spaces more beautiful but also boosts our mental well-being. Researchers have found that being close to nature can have a positive impact on our mental health.  

People need to connect with nature. When we do, our mood improves and our stress levels go down. That’s a big reason why nature-inspired designs in our homes can make us feel better. In this article, we’ll explore some easy and creative ways to blend nature with our home decor.  

Know the basic principles first  

When thinking about adding nature to our homes, there’s more to it than just placing a few plants around. It’s about recreating a natural environment inside the house.   

One of the best ways to start is by using natural materials. Wood, for example, can give your home a warm and earthy feel. Whether it’s a wooden coffee table, bookshelf, or flooring, the grain and texture of wood can remind us of forests and natural landscapes.  

Stone and bamboo are other materials that can capture the raw beauty of nature. Imagine having a bamboo wall divider or a stone fireplace. They not only stand out as focal points but also connect us to the great outdoors.  

Making a space feel natural doesn’t mean you can’t add a touch of luxury. Consider placing luxury designer vases on your wooden tables or stone countertops. Filled with fresh or dried flowers, these vases can blend the elegance of design with the simplicity of nature.   

Use natural materials  

One of the most versatile and essential materials when decorating with a natural theme is wood. When you add wooden elements to your home, be it in the form of a majestic dining table, a rustic stool, or even wall panels, you’re introducing a piece of the forest into your living space. Each type of wood, like oak or pine, adds a different feel to a room.  

Stone is another practical material that evokes nature. It can be used for countertops or as decorative pieces. Stones are sturdy and have a natural look that reminds us of the outdoors. The best part is this can be a free material. Find a river bed and bring some of the smooth stones home to add natural accents to a living room or kitchen.  

For fabrics, consider using natural fibers. Cotton and linen are both good choices. They’re comfortable and eco-friendly. If you want patterns, there are many that take inspiration from nature, like leaves or waves. These can be a nice touch on items like cushions.  

Get the lighting right  

Natural light is one of the most important natural elements you can introduce to a home. Beyond its practical purpose of illumination, it’s important both for our living spaces and our well-being.  

Sunlight instantly elevates the mood of a room. Spaces that were once dull or shadowy come alive under the embrace of the sun’s rays. The changing angles of sunlight throughout the day mean that the ambiance of a room shifts from dawn to dusk, offering a dynamic play of light and shadow.   

to maximize the benefits of natural light in rooms that might not have direct window access, consider the strategic placement of mirrors.  

Use plants  

Houseplants are more than just decorative items. They serve multiple purposes, from improving air quality to enhancing overall mental health.  

Keep in mind that different plants have different light needs. For example, if you have a dimly lit room, you might want to consider the snake plant. It’s known for thriving in low-light conditions.   

On the other hand, if you have a sunny spot, succulents are a good choice. They love direct sunlight and can tolerate the heat. It’s important to choose plants that match the lighting of your room, ensuring they stay healthy and vibrant.  

But houseplants offer more than just aesthetics. One major advantage is air purification. Plants like the spider plant, peace lily, and Boston fern can remove common indoor pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. This means a fresher, cleaner environment for you and your family. 


While there are countless ways to decorate, turning to nature ensures not only a visually pleasing environment but also one that promotes health and tranquility. As you just learned, even the simplest additions can make a significant difference. 




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