All opinions are mine and mine alone.
If you worry that your skin isn’t as healthy as it could be then you may have an underlying health issue. If you are not sure if this is the case with your health or not then all you have to do is take a look below.
Dry and Itchy Skin
It’s not uncommon for your skin to feel dry or itchy. This is especially the case during winter. Keeping your baths and showers short, and taking the time to moisturize your skin while it is damp is the best way for you to try and keep this condition under control. People who have very severe skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, tend to experience symptoms such as this more often or worse than normal. Thyroid disorders can lead to you having itchy skin as well. Dermatologists have said time and time again that dry skin can be a major sign that you have an underlying condition, so make sure that you go for a blood test and that you get to the root of the issue. If you want to see a beauty expert, visit Colorado Beauty RN.
Irritated Hands
Constant hand washing and using sanitisers that contain alcohol can take their toll on your hands over time. Moisturizing by using hand creams or ointments may take care of this issue for you, but sometimes this isn’t the treatment you need. A condition known as dermatomyositis can easily mimic hand dermatitis that is caused by washing your hands too much or general irritation. This is an autoimmune disease that can be very similar to lupus. A dermatologist will be able to tell you if your irritated hands are a sign of something worse.
Dandruff is known as Seborrhea. It’s the name for common dandruff that can be found on the scalp and around the nose. It can be treated with medicated shampoos or even prescription treatments. At the end of the day, one thing to take note of is that dandruff can easily be a sign that you have an underlying illness. It could mean that you have Parkinson’s or that you are more prone to Seborrhea because of another unknown condition. Either way, you need to take steps to try and limit it where possible, as well as going to see your doctor to see if they can advise you on what you can do today.
Breakouts are way more common during adolescence. They often go well into adulthood as well. If you have severe acne that you did not have before or if you find that you are breaking out way more than you should be then you may have a problem with your hormones. This is especially the case if you have underlying hormonal issues. PCOS is very known for causing acne in women, and if you suspect you have this, it’s so important that you talk with your doctor as they can recommend treatment to you so you don’t have anything to worry about there.

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