5 Key Takeaways from the YouGov Big Survey on Drugs

All opinions are mine and mine alone

There is an impartial data company called YouGov that is based in the UK. It conducts many different kinds of surveys. Those surveys can reveal all sorts of fascinating information, and recently, the company completed a lengthy one about drug use.  

Drug use never exists in a vacuum, and that’s why this survey and its results matter. If you see someone with meth addiction symptoms, you can get help for them, but it’s just as useful to find out whether this individual’s meth use falls into a broader pattern. As a society, it is recognizing drug abuse patterns that can help us combat the fundamental causes that govern such behavior.  With that in mind, let’s look at some key takeaways from the recently concluded YouGov survey.  

Leave vs Stay Voters 

 Since this survey took place in the UK, there are issues tied to it that are unique to that part of the world. For example, those who voted to leave the EU were much more likely to vote according to conservative doctrines. These so-called “leave” voters are also usually considerably more conservative with issues related to drugs.  

For instance, those who are conservative and voted for Brexit were much more likely to want jail time for drug users rather than rehabilitation. Conservatives also largely believe drug laws are too lenient as they are currently written and enforced.  

England is Not Deeply Divided  

What’s interesting is that British citizens are not too deeply divided on drug issues as a whole. There’s a North-South political divide, but less of one on drug policy.  The country seems to broadly agree that circumstances beyond an individual’s control can lead to drug abuse and that personal choice plays a part as well.  

The Left and Right Do Have Some Differing Drug Use Opinions  

Those in the UK who lean left politically vs those who lean right do have some notable differences of opinion on drug use. While personal choice and circumstances beyond someone’s control are universally accepted as the key reasons for drug use, conservatives think it’s more the former than the latter. With liberals, it’s the opposite.  

 Feelings of Hard Drug Users  

There were plenty of hard drug users who were willing to give their opinions as part of this poll. Those who did seem to feel that, in many cases, they would not have become addicted to illegal drugs if legal alternatives, such as prescription pain medication, had been more readily available to them. This group also reports general feelings of disenfranchisement.  

 Scotland Isn’t Doing Well  

A final conclusion from the study is that Scotland is having a drug crisis that’s anomalous when you put it up against the rest of the UK. More Scottish residents than any other country reported personally knowing someone who has had a serious prescription drug addiction issue.  You can take what you like from these conclusions, but government officials in the UK might be wise to consider the implications as they continue to enact ongoing drug-related policies.  



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