The Roles and Responsibilities of Foster Carers 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The Roles and Responsibilities of Foster Carers 

Have you ever thought about becoming a foster carer? If you have, and you want to understand what this role involves, check out the article below. We will discuss the main roles and responsibilities of foster carers:  

Provide Plenty of Love and Support 

The primary role of a foster carer is to provide a foster child with all the love and support they need. Being taken away from their family can traumatise a child or young person. They are no longer around people they know but surrounded by strangers. Foster carers must try and make this experience less scary for their foster child by making them feel welcome and providing them with all the support they need.  

Providing a Safe Home 

The majority of children in care have grown up without a stable home or family life. They may come from a background of addiction, abuse, or neglect. For this reason, foster carers must provide their foster children with a safe and secure family home. The stability you give them is essential in making them feel at ease.  

A foster carer is responsible for providing the children in their care with a place they can call home. This is more than four walls and a roof; it is a place where they can be themselves, feel looked after and be happy. You can find out more information about this at 

Support Foster Children with Their Education 

Education is a vital part of a child’s development. Most foster children in Scotland and other parts of the UK are under the age of eighteen, meaning they should still be in education. As such, if you foster a child of this age, you will be expected to support them through their education. It is essential that being in foster care does not affect their learning or their grades.  

Ensure Their Foster Children Remain in Good Health 

Another responsibility of a foster carer is to ensure their foster children remain in good health and can access medical care whenever needed. Foster carers must also ensure they provide their child with transport to and from their appointments.  

Encourage Regular Contact with their Birth Family 

You may be surprised to hear that encouraging regular contact between your foster child and their birth family is the responsibility of a foster carer, but it is. Not only that, but it’s vital. The ultimate goal of almost all foster placements is to return the child to their family when they have overcome the issues they face, whether this be mental health issues, drug or alcohol abuse or something else.  

Attend Regular Meetings 

On top of caring for their foster child, foster carers are required to attend regular meetings about them. Foster carers work alongside other professionals to manage all aspects of a foster child’s journey. They must attend meetings to ensure the child they are looking after receives the right care and support for their unique situation.  

There’s nothing quite like being a foster carer. It is one of the most rewarding roles you could ever do. However, it is a role that comes with a range of roles and responsibilities. Before applying to become a foster carer, make sure you understand what it involves.  


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