9 Lies Addicts Often Tell to Themselves 

All opinions are mine and mine alone

9 Lies Addicts Often Tell to Themselves 

Lies and addiction go hand in hand. If you’re an addict, you might lie to others. You may spend just as much time lying to yourself, though. You can find an LA partial hospitalization program if you live there and feel it’s necessary. That might be what it takes to reclaim your life.  Before taking that step, though, you should know about some of the lies addicts tell themselves.  

I Can Stop Anytime  

Addiction occurs when you lose control of a habit. By definition, if you’re addicted to something, then you can’t stop using it, even if you want to.  That’s why telling yourself you can stop anytime is one of the most common addict lies. If you try to get clean independently, you might discover you’ve been fooling yourself.  

 Everyone Does Drugs  

This is a justification many addicts use. If they reason that everyone has their addictions, it makes what they’re doing less egregious.  It’s true that everyone has vices, but a vice is not necessarily an addiction. It’s best not to use substances based on what others are or aren’t doing. That’s a way to dodge responsibility for one’s actions.   

 What I’m Doing Only Hurts Myself  

Some addicts feel fatalistic. They think if they keep doing drugs, it’s not impacting anyone else they know.  That is seldom the case. Many times, doing drugs hurts those around you in various ways.  

 My Actions Are Justified  

Some addicts use drugs for a particular reason, or at least that’s what they tell themselves. Maybe they say they’re using drugs because a spouse left them or because they lost their job.  Everyone potentially has a reason to give themselves up to drug use. However, showing resilience and refusing to give in to self-destructive behavior is what most people do.   

 I’m Just Partying  

Some drug addicts use this excuse. They feel like they don’t have a problem and they’re just blowing off some steam.  This is always a fine line. A little harmless partying can become a drug addiction seemingly overnight.   

I Don’t Truly Qualify as an Addict  

Some addicts try to say they’re not hooked on a drug because of a technicality. Examining their behavior a little closer usually reveals a physical and psychological dependency, though.   

My Addiction is Relatively Minor  

Some addicts admit they have a problem, but it’s not serious. Trying to go a couple of days without using their drug of choice usually shows they’re in a worse condition than they thought.   

I Can’t Function Without My Drug of Choice  

Some functional addicts feel they can’t get through their day without their drug of choice. They have come to rely on it as a crutch. If they give it up, they might learn that they’re stronger than they realized.   

Nobody Cares What I’m Doing  

This is another common addict lie. If they ask their family and friends whether the addict’s drug use hurts them, though, they will probably get back a chorus of requests tearfully asking them to stop.   




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