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Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck: Which Is Right for You?
Liposuction and a tummy tuck are two common cosmetic procedures done on the body. Women are especially frequent clients of these options. But which one is right for you personally? It’s important to discuss the differences between these two procedures to ultimately decide which is most relevant for your situation.
AFat Removal
It’s true that both liposuction and a tummy tuck can result in the appearance of a slimmer abdomen. However, one of the key differences between the two is that liposuction is known for its removal of excess deposits of fat. While some fat is removed during a tummy tuck, it is much less in comparison.
So, if the removal of fat from your abdominal cavity is your primary goal, then liposuction might be the more suitable option for you. If you’re near your ideal weight, a tummy tuck can provide the results you want through minimal fat removal and body contouring.
Excess Abdominal Skin
Extra skin on the abdomen is especially common after weight loss or after pregnancy. This excess skin can give a false appearance of added weight, and thus, it can make one feel self-conscious about their body. Excess abdominal skin can be best removed through a tummy tuck.
Muscle Tightening
Lose muscles and excess skin on the abdomen often coexist together. Tighter muscles can of course be achieved through a regular workout routine. However, if quick results is what you’re aiming for, a tummy tuck can be a great option. Say bye to the appearance sagging skin and weak stomach muscles! You’ll be bikini body ready in no time.
Liposuction often results in fewer bulges and rolls of fat. This way, you can enjoy your usual body shape with less weight and more ideal proportions.
On the other hand, while you won’t deal with significant weight loss after a tummy tuck, you can enjoy a more “snatched” waist. In general, your abdomen will appear flatter and tighter.
When compared to liposuction, the recovery process of a tummy tuck tends to be more difficult and drawn out. After all, there’s more involved than just fat removal that takes place during this procedure. Post-tummy tuck, you’ll be prescribed medication and need to wear a compression garment. Full healing can be expected in several months.
Like with a tummy tuck, liposuction recovery involves wearing a compression garment and/or taking prescribed medication to manage any pain or swelling. While you’ll want to avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of weeks after liposuction, many patients feel comfortable engaging in their usual light activities within just a few days.
Are you wanting to learn more about the cosmetic options you have at hand? The first step is to speak to one of the top plastic surgeons in Utah.
While both procedures involve changing the appearance of the body, liposuction and tummy tucks are not one in the same. In fact, they have quite their fair share of differences in terms of how they’re done and what they accomplish. In the end, it’s important to consider what makes both procedures different before electing for one or the other.

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