Cutting Your Energy Bills The Smart Way

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The average person spends nearly a month’s disposable income on heating every year. In other words, the need to heat your home takes away from money that you could use for something else, like going on holiday, buying a fab new car, or having a spa day. 

The good news, though, is that there are plenty of things that you can do to slash your heating bill and free up more money for other things. 

Data from the ECUK report 2017 suggests that the average household now has more than 13 electronic appliances compared to just four in the 1990s. Electricity bills have gone up because the demand for electricity has gone up. People now use around 25 percent more energy than they did 30 years ago, despite dramatic improvements in the energy efficiency of things like bulbs. 

Here are some of the tips you should use to cut your energy bills and start saving more of your money. 

Install A Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are clever, internet-enabled devices that you can use to control your heating system, no matter where you are. 

For instance, with a smart thermostat, you don’t have to rely on a dumb timer that switches your heating on and off according to a preprogrammed timetable you can’t change remotely. Instead, you can send instructions from your smartphone, telling your heating what to do, depending on your circumstances. For instance, you might not want the heating to switch on if you’re going to get home from work late. 

Use Oil-Based Heating

While oil-based heating is not as widely-installed as regular central heating, it is extraordinarily efficient. Oil-based systems that rely on equipment from vendors like Tanks For Everything, typically heat one room at a time. This means that you’re able to focus the energy you use to where you need it the most, like your lounge or bedroom. You don’t have to heat hallways, bathrooms, and unused bedrooms if you do not want to. 

Get Rid Of Your Old Boiler

Swapping out your old boiler for a new one is expensive: there’s no getting around that fact. But it is also one of the best things that you can do to reduce your bills. 

New boilers use next-generation heat exchangers. These allow the furnace to transfer more of the energy it produces by burning gas into actual, usable heat. 

Upgrading your boiler from a ten-year-old version to a new one could save you up to a week’s wages per year. 

Wash Up In A Bowl Instead Of Under The Tap

A lot of people like to leave the hot water tap running when they wash up to get rid of all of the soap suds before leaving plates and mugs out to dry. Running warm water, however, requires the use of heat, which, in turn, requires the use of energy. 

Filling the bowl first is much more energy-efficient and saves water at the same time. If you’re worried about soap residue, just fill another rinse bowl. 


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