5 Simple Ways To Practice Self Care

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

When life becomes busy we tend to neglect ourselves, but we think it’s so important to set some time aside to practice self care. Whether this means taking time to read a book or having a spa day. We need time to rejuvenate and escape the stresses of the world. Below we have listed 5 ways you can practice self care.


Meditating is a great way to calm your mind and take away the stresses of day to day life. Take 15 minutes out of your day, find a quiet place to sit and take some deep breaths. Focus on your body, let your mind relax and your thoughts wonder, wherever it may take you embrace it and address why your mind wandered to where it did. Finish your meditation with words of kindness to yourself, think about what you are grateful for in life and practice affirmations

Pamper Yourself

Take a day a week to pamper yourself, whether that be getting your nails done, having a massage or tidying up some unwanted hair. To really treat yourself head on over to a salon for some professional care, Dr. Vafa and VafaMD are a great example of what treatment can be offered for some self care. If you don’t want to head to a salon, create your own spa at home, run a bath put on a face mask and have an evening of relaxation. These small things once a week can really help with your moral and overall well being.

Get Some Fresh Air

Getting outside into nature has proven to be good for us, breathing in fresh air lowers our cortisol which is connected to our stress hormone. Enjoying the outside and getting some exercise is also good for our mental and physical health. Take ten minutes each day to go for a brisk walk whether that be by the sea or in the countryside.

Have Some ‘Me Time’

Juggling work and home life can take its toll on us all, so taking some time once and week or once a month can help ground you and bring you back to yourself. Take yourself off and have some time to yourself, no children, no distractions. You can do whatever you desire, it might be taking a nap, reading a book or catching up on tv programs, it’s your time to do as you please.

Rejuvenate Your Skin

Your skin goes through a lot each day so it is vital we take care of it. Invest in some essential oils such as lavender, argon, chamomile etc, they are great for calming redness, treating oily or dry skin and relieving stress. Add a few drops into your bubble bath or serums to target your skin directly. Drinking plenty of water is also good for your skin as it helps rehydrate allowing you to keep elasticity and reducing the appearance of dark circles and wrinkles.

While you are here check out our tips on Natural products for stressed skin


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