How To Have A Fun Vacation For All Ages

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

A big family vacation is a wonderful way to make memories, but if you’re away with a few generations of the family, entertaining everyone, from grandparents to young cousins, can be a challenge. There’s often someone who is going to feel bored by the chosen activity, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Here’s how to make sure your vacation is fun for everyone, of all ages. 

Find Family Attractions

There are lots of family attractions out there, designed to be fun and interesting for lots of different age groups. Have a look at what there is near where you’re saying, and see what appeals to everyone. Look for somewhere that offers a few different things. Zoos, aquariums, and sea life centers are often good picks, as the kids will like seeing the animals, and the adults can learn about things like conservation efforts. Things like Seaworld San Antonio tickets are often a good bet. These places are used to providing entertainment to a range of ages. 

Split Up

You want to spend time together, but the best trip with a large group, it can be easier to split up at least occasionally to do different things. This way, different people can do what they want to do without dragging along someone else who will be bored. For example, the grandparents can visit a local museum without dragging a bored child with them, who can instead be taken somewhere like a theme park, that the older generations might not enjoy. You can all gather again in the evening for a meal, and tell each other about your adventures that day. You can find an all-ages activity for some days but divide and conquer for the rest of the trip. 


Cruises are ideal for multi-generational trips for people who don’t mind spitting up until dinner time. A cruise can also be a good way to accommodate different people of different budgets, as everyone can book the room and meal plan that suits them, without feeling pressured to book somewhere they can’t really afford. Cruise ships usually offer a huge range of things to do, from kids’ clubs to champagne bars. You can enjoy things like the pool as a family, meet for dinner, but otherwise amuse yourselves. When the boat stops at different destinations on your way, you can gather the family to head out to explore too. 

Book A Resort

All-inclusive resorts are geared up to receive multi-generation groups. Like a cruise, there are activities for all ages, with classes for children and adults running at the same time. This means any parents in the group know their children are safe at an activity while they try a tennis class or whatever else appeals to them. After the classes, you can all gather together again to spend some quality time together. 

A successful vacation with all the family needs some planning and some communication so you can accommodate everyone’s interests and energy levels. 


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