How to Look After Your Aging Skin

All opinions are mine and mine

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, there is never a bad time to establish a skincare routine to protect and care for the health of the body’s most visible organ. Caring for your skin might seem like an extra chore in your life, especially if you’re a woman in her early twenties with perfect skin anyway; but things will soon change and it pays to get a head start. Below is a guide to skincare as you get older. 


Your twenties is a time for sun, sea and sand. You also tend to drink alcohol more frequently and care less about the condition of your skin. There’s no need to care about it when it always bounces back the next day like a firm basketball. The trouble is a carefree lifestyle like this can cause lasting damage to your skin. 

When you drink alcohol it dries out the skin making it crack and more sensitive to its environment. The sun is also very bad for it. In your twenties it’s tempting to simply bake in the sun and turn brown, perfe the foe Instagram photos. Later, however, it’s not so desirable. The sun causes your skin to wrinkle prematurely. 

To avoid the after effects of a lived and loved life in your twenties try to establish a skincare routine early on. A skincare routine will help you create the habits you need to protect your skin in the long run. It will also prevent premature lines and wrinkles from appearing. 


If you establish a skincare routine early in your twenties and look after your skin, you probably won’t see any lines and wrinkles appearing until your mid thirties at least. Conversely, if you neglect your skin for a decade you will probably notice them earlier, perhaps in your late twenties. 

Your cells are made up of free radicals that separate and cause your skin to age, this is a natural process that affects everyone. You start to notice the effects of this aging in your late twenties and early thirties when fine lines and wrinkles start to appear. There are, however, some products and practices that can delay the process. 

Some notable CBD skincare products have been known to reduce the impact of free radicals damage on the skin. Alternatively a healthy and effective skincare routine also works well. Make sure your skin is always well hydrated and can breathe beneath your makeup. Find out more on this at Can skin breathe through foundation?


When you move into your forties your body goes through some dramatic changes. It’s the onset of the menopause which causes you to lose estrogen and your skin to dry out. At this time you will notice drier than normal skin as well as more lines on your brow and around your eyes. Your neck may also be affected. 

There’s not much you can do about the body clock changing but you can facilitate or with some good practices. You want to keep your skin hydrated as much as possible and use collagen enhancing products to provide extra support. There are some excellent products on the market designed to help with menopause skincare.

Now is a time to use creams and lotions as much as possible to ensure your skin stays moist. You want to effectively replace the lost moisture artificially to prevent your skin drying out and becoming cracked and wrinkled. Review your skincare routine at this time and consult a dermatologist if necessary. 


When your fifties comes around you will be over the worst effects of the menopause and and your skin and hormones will have settled down. However, at this age your skin will be more dry that it was before and will require extra moisture to remain healthy. You may also benefit from collagen products. 

Since your body has less estrogen your skin is drier. This also contributes to more lines and wrinkles appearing. Add to this the aging process and the continual damage from free radicals and you have a need for a strong skincare response. Thankfully there are some excellent ways to respond at this age. 

Creams and lotions won’t do you much good in your fifties. You will instead require a more intensive solution. In most cases this is a surgical or non surgical treatment to lift the face or eliminate blemishes. Laser surgery, for instance, is an excellent way to make the skin younger by encouraging new collagen growth. 


As you get into your sixties you will notice more change in your skin. Firstly it will become thinner and more fragile. This is natural as the aging process takes its course. There is good news and bad news. The good news is that you are less likely to suffer from breakouts, the bad news is your skin may be more prone to damage and infection. 

So how can you look after your skin in your sixties? How can you continue to look youthful and glow? Since your skin is much thinner at this age it is also more absorbent. That means it’s effective to use nutritional topicals containing active proteins like growth factor peptides that help reduce blemishes and age spots. 

Although you are now in your sixties and have lived a life full of skincare ups and downs, it’s still important to maintain that general routine you established in your twenties. Continue to hydrate your skin with cream and lotion, and remember to use sunscreen, even in the winter. 


Your skin is a sensitive organ of the body that goes through many changes as you age. In your twenties you may be oblivious to the need for skincare but that will soon change at the first sign of fine lines and wrinkles. Establish an effective skincare routine early and stick to it throughout your life. The most dynamic time for your skin is during the menopause so prepare for it early. 


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