3 Ways To Feel Beautiful For When The Pandemic Ends

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

If months of isolation, lockdowns, and periods of quarantine have left you feeling rather unloved and out of shape, then fear not as you are certainly not alone. The COVID-19 pandemic turned our world upside down in March last year but the end is now in sight with a successful vaccination programme well underway and social distancing restrictions easing all the time. With your return to the real world imminent, you may be feeling self-conscious about your appearance. So, here are three ways to feel beautiful after the pandemic ends. Take a look!

Fall In Love With Exercise Once Again

If gym closures and being locked indoors have caused you to fall out of love with exercising, then you need to reassess. Exercise can not only help you to look better but it can also make you feel better mentally through the release of endorphins. If you’re looking to firm up your core to feel more beautiful, then yoga is a great activity that can help you fall in love with exercise once again. Yoga can even help you to reduce your stress levels, sleep better and improve your mobility if practised regularly. So, why not give it a go? There are so many free tutorials on YouTube that you can easily follow along to. You’ll be feeling more beautiful in no time at all!

Consider Cosmetic Surgery Alternatives

You may be tempted to look and feel younger instantly by opting for cosmetic surgery but you needn’t do anything quite so drastic to feel beautiful again. If you’ve put on a bit of weight during the pandemic, then a non-surgical medical procedure that you may wish to consider is CoolSculpting. Coolsculpting works by removing excess fat cells from beneath the skin and is a great liposuction alternative for self-conscious people who don’t fancy going under the knife. The majority of patients see the benefits after just a single treatment, however, it is 3-4 months down the line that a real transformation will become noticeable. So, if you’re keen to give it a go, and would consider CoolSculpting on your chest, bum or any other area in which you feel like you’re carrying a bit of extra timber, rest assured that the process is virtually painless. Those who have had the procedure reported that it’s as simple as popping in on your lunch break.

Block Out External Triggers

Heard of a social media detox? If you’re feeling bad about your personal appearance, then it could come down to the fact that you are comparing yourself to others too frequently. For instance, services like Instagram are flooded with beauty models who are in great shape and, in your mind, perfect. However, perfect can look very different to different people. So, stop comparing yourself to photoshopped images and start feeling good about your own body. Block out those external triggers by deleted the Instagram app – and any other social media that causes you to feel self-conscious – from your phone and feel better about yourself instantly.


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