3 Mortal Enemies Of Skin Care

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The largest organ of the body is also the most beautiful. Our skin is incredibly complex, with multiple layers that all work in unison to provide us the protection we often take for granted. Skin molecules are constantly fighting off dirt, debris and other attackers to keep your skin functioning as it should. You may not know this, but your skin has mortal enemies. The glorious sunshine that we love, can turn into a spiteful source of skin damage. Even water, something that we may consider to be a threat, can wreak havoc on your skin. Perhaps the most surprising is that your own skin can be its own worst enemy. Let’s explore these three and see how we could help ourselves.

A stripping of defenses

Water is the main image we are often shown in marketing campaigns when it comes to hydrating products. Actually, water is not hydrating to our skin, if it’s used externally. Water strips our natural oils from the skin, which we need to lubricate ourselves. When the oil is stripped, the skin becomes very dry and is unable to fold without cracking. So, too much of a good thing can be harmful. Rather than trying to absorb water into your skin externally, you should try to lock your skin’s pores in so they cannot become dry. This can be done by using paraffin shower gels instead of soaps or normal shower washes.  

The biggest enemy

The sun is not your friend! Well, it can be if you keep your exposure to its rays short and sweet. Just 20-40 minutes a day of direct sunlight is all your skin needs. The sunshine will provide your skin with vitamin E which it needs to stay strong and vibrant. However, if you regularly go over this amount of time, you can expect sun damage to creep in. Sun damage is the number one enemy when it comes to aging. If your face has sun damage, it will have brown spots, wrinkles at the forehead and eye areas, as well as wrinkles around the nose. One of the ways that can plump up your skin is botox. Only go to a trusted beauty company, and this one has done 100,000 procedures of this kind. With that level of experience and customer rapport, you’re in great hands.

 A rude concoction

Your own skin can harm itself if you leave it to its own devices. Your skin does not know if the oil it has on its surface is clean, dirty, new, or old. Throughout the day, it will continue to make natural oils and secrete them out through the pores. It’s a good idea to wash your face every 6 hours or so, to prevent the debris, dirt and oils that are on your skin from laying on it for too long. If you don’t, it will increase the chance of spots, acne and irritation.

The sun should be enjoyed but in moderation. Too much sunlight can permanently damage your skin so be mindful of this when you go out to the beach and sunbathe. Too much water can wash away your skin’s defenses, so be careful of how many times a week you shower.


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