9 Ways To Prevent Hearing Loss Naturally

All opinions are mine and mine alone

Many of us go through our lives never thinking about protecting our ears. We simply assume that they’re going to work forever and that things will never change. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Over time, tiny structures in our ears can become damaged. And this can lead to varying degrees of hearing loss. In this post, therefore, we take a look at some of the ways that people can prevent hearing loss that you might not have heard before. Check them out below. 

Reduce The Rate At Which You Age

Aging is the primary risk factor for hearing loss. As you get older,the sound-sensing machinery in the ear begins to break down and it can no longer pick up on vibrations as well as it could in the past. Fortunately, there’s quite a lot that you can do to avoid this fate, namely, slowing down your aging.But how do you do this? Ideally, you want to eat a diet that’s high in fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices. You also want to make sure that you get enough relaxation during the course of your week. If you’re stressed out all the time, that can increase the rate at which you age. 

You can also try things like yoga that target the entire body. Regular practices can stimulate youthful compounds that keep you young and flexible. 

Cut Down On Loud Noises

Too much loud noise can also have a negative effect on hearing. But how much is too loud?

Ideally, you don’t want to expose your ears to sounds above 85 decibels – the equivalent of somebody shouting from across the room. If you go higher than this, then the energy of the sound waves can be enough to damage your ears. Loud noises work on a sliding scale. You can usually listen to noises below 90 db for 30 minutes or more before they begin causing harm to your ears. But if you listen to noises of 120 decibels, they can inflict damage in just a few seconds. 

Limit Sounds

Another strategy is to limit your general exposure to loud noises. If you live in a city, for instance, you might want to invest in soundproofing for your home. Roadworks and construction activities can lead to excessive noise levels. If it is hot and you have to keep the window open, then try using noise-cancelling headphones. These work differently from regular headphones. Instead of using padding to block out exterior noises, they emit opposite-frequency sound waves to neutralize the incoming wave. 

Use Hearing Protection

There are generally 3 types of hearing protection on the market: full insert plugs, semi-insert plugs and hearing defenders. These are made of sound-blocking foam or silicone and help to reduce the energy of sound waves that reach your ears. Using them requires stuffing them into your ear canal and then allowing them to work passively. Hearing protection can be extremely effective in noisy environments. For instance, you can reduce the volume of a loud rock concert from 115 decibels to just 85 decibels with hearing protection – a much safer level. 

Don’t Smoke

Smoking seems to be bad for pretty much everything. And your hearing is no exception. It turns out that people who smoke are much more likely to develop hearing problems in the future – so that’s another good reason to quit. 

Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly why smoking is so bad for hearing loss, but they think that it has to do with its damaging cardiovascular effects. People who smoke tend to have poorer blood supplies to their inner ears. Over time, this leads to damage to the sensitive tissues in the cochlear. 

Get Rid Of Earwax The Right Way

Earwax is a problem for some people – especially when it builds up. It can actually cause hearing loss itself if it becomes impacted.Removing it correctly, though, is essential. Improper techniques can damage the ear and cause premature hearing loss in adults. Whatever you do, don’t insert cotton swabs or metal hooks into your ears to try to clear out the earwax. Usually, these just push it deeper. Furthermore, if you push too hard, you can actually damage the eardrum permanently. 

If you need to remove earwax, start by buying an over-the-counter earwax removal product from your local pharmacist. These work by trying to dissolve earwax that’s become impacted, allowing it to flow gently out of the ear over the following hours. If that doesn’t work, go to your audiologist. They usually have special tools for carefully removing earwax without damaging your ears in the process. 

Check Your Meds

Certain medications can increase the chances of developing hearing loss. Chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics may both cause harm to the ears. If you’re worried, check which medications you’re taking with your doctor and how they might impact your hearing. In many cases, your doctor can switch you over to medicines that do not have known risk and interactions with the ears. 

Check The Noise Reduction Rating Of Hearing Protection

Not all hearing protection products are the same. Some have a higher noise reduction rating than others. A noise reduction rating is just a number that tells you how much a particular hearing protection product reduces the volume of noises reaching your ears. So if it has a rating of 20, then it is claiming to reduce the sound by 20 decibels. Generally, people opt for the highest-rated hearing protection products available. This way, they can wear them in more situations, such as when moving the lawn or going to a loud event. 

Avoid Listening To Loud Music

Lastly, many people develop hearing loss because they get into a habit of listening to loud music at high volumes. Music sounds good, so people listen to it more eagerly than, say, the sound of a jackhammer on a building site, even if the volume is the same. Try reducing the volume and using noise-cancelling headphones so that you’re not increasing the volume to block out other sounds. 


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