6 Tips for Getting Back Behind the Wheel After a Break

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

If you are a driver who has been off the road for some time, perhaps because you lived in a city where it was not practical to drive or maybe because you had to make do without a vehicle after your car for a while for financial reasons, it can be daunting to get back out on the road again. For many people, driving is like riding a bicycle – they never forget – but for many others, it is a skill that wanes over time or that causes them significant anxiety when they have not done it for a while.

If you’re one of those people for whom driving is NOT like riding a bicycle, and you are looking to get back behind the wheel after a long break, here are some things that should make it simpler and safer for you to do so:

Do some studying

You probably thought that after you passed your driving test, that was the end of driving-related education for you but, if you haven’t been on the road for a while, it might be worth refreshing your knowledge of road signs and rules of the road. This is something you can practice here, and it will just give you a little more confidence in knowing that you know what to do in any given situation on the road.

Get your car checked out

If your car has not been on the road for a while, there is a chance that it might not be in the best shape. Sol if you want to ensure that you stay safe on your next drive, it could be a very good idea to take it to the auto shop and have a qualified mechanic check it out. Chances are it will be just fine, but it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to driving.

Practice makes perfect

If you are feeling nervous about getting out on the highway, then it could be a good idea to find a quiet spot like a local parking lot out of hours, where you can practice your maneuvers and get yourself reacquainted with the act of driving. Do this as often as you need to until you feel totally comfortable driving somewhere a bit riskier. 

Take more lessons

If, after doing that, you still do not feel as confident as you did behind the wheel, there is nothing wrong with taking a few more lessons with a qualified instructor. Sure, you already have your license, but if it makes you feel safer out on the road, it is not a waste of time or money to get professional help to boost your confidence.

Plan your journeys

When you’re just getting back on the road, it can be a really good idea to start planning your journeys before you take them, even if you are simply driving to the local store that you visit several times each month.

By doing this, you can plan the easiest routes that are less likely to be highly populated or cause you any concern, when you are just getting back into the swing of things. As soon as you feel more confident, you can, of course, stop planning your regular journeys and save doing so for those more difficult long journeys that you maybe do not take so often.

Believe in yourself

It may sound silly, but if you want to drive successfully after a break from the road, then you really do need to believe in yourself, If you do not have any confidence in your ability to drive safely, you will be anxious and you will second guess yourself which will make you less safe on the roads.

So, do whatever you can, including the ideas above, to get comfortable with being in the car again, and confident in your ability to do what needs to be done to get from point A to point B successfully, and chances are you will have very few if any, problems on the road, even if you haven’t driven for months or even years. If you don’t feel confident, consider taking some time out to practice and refamiliarize yourself with the car before you try, Safety is always the most important thing when driving, so don’t feel like you need to rush into it if you are not ready.

Now, you can get back on the road safe in the knowledge that you approaching it as carefully and as confidently as can be.


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