How To Turn An Extra Closet Into A Makeup Room 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How To Turn An Extra Closet Into A Makeup Room 


Even if you decide to upgrade your bathroom, there isn’t usually enough space to dedicate to having a proper makeup corner there. To properly do your makeup you need to have the perfect setup. Someplace where you can keep your makeup, the brushes, and other tools, and where you can sit and take your time applying it is essential.  

This is why you have to get creative if you really want to have the ultimate glam room where you can set up your space exactly how you need it. An extra closet is an ideal place to be able to do this since it isn’t taking up any extra space somewhere else in the home.   

In this article, we will give you some ideas on how to pull off transforming a closet into your personal makeup room.   

Make a floor plan  

There are a few applications that you can use to be able to plan this out in a visual way so you don’t have to just imagine how it will look. This way you can be sure that you can fit everything in the way it needs to be. If you don’t plan it out then you may find that your plan is not going to work once you’ve already started putting the work in.   

The key is to make a list of the elements that you need to have and then find a way to fit them in the space that you have. For instance, this is when you can measure how much space you’ll need to have a basin for cleaning makeup brushes, a mirror, a chair, and a vanity.  

The other key thing is to understand that you can have all of the elements that you need even if it seems like there isn’t enough space as long as you can get creative. This is why it’s so important to plan it out in a way that you can see how they will work together.   

Think about lighting 

 The space is going to be fairly limited and usually without a window for natural light. To make sure that you are going to put your makeup on effectively means that you have to have the correct lighting and make it work in a small space.   

Try using marquee lighting with a mirror to have a perfect view of every angle of your face. This involves having lighting that isn’t just on top of the mirror but also running down the sides.   

Avoid the lights coming down from above. This will create shadows that make it hard to work your makeup correctly.   

Stand or sit?  

Ideally, your closet is big enough to allow you to set up a cozy chair in your new makeup room. However, if your space is limited you can still make sure that there is a way to put it on while standing up.   

Knowing if you can sit or stand will help you understand how you need to fix up the layout.  



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