10 Good Reasons To Give Up Drinking

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Many of us regularly drink alcohol. In fact, it can be a source of stress relief for many of us parents. The majority of us are able to drink in moderation. However, alcohol – even in small amounts – can have its downsides.

Consequently, an increasing number of Americans are choosing not to drink. Back in 2010, 67% of adult Americans reported that they drink. A survey in 2019 found that this figure had fallen to 65%, and in a recent 2022 survey it was revealed that only 60% reported drinking alcohol.

Not drinking is becoming more socially acceptable. But just what are the real benefits driving people to go teetotal? Below are just some of the reasons to give up drinking.

Quitting alcohol could have amazing health benefits

The NIAAA recommends that men should not drink more than 14 drinks per week and that women should not drink more than 7 drinks per week. If you regularly drink more than this, you could greatly increase your risk of developing various health problems including high blood pressure, gut disease, heart disease, cancer, kidney disease and liver disease. 

Other studies have found that even drinking half of this can shorten your lifespan. By giving up alcohol completely, you can eliminate the risks associated with alcohol entirely.

Most of the damage to one’s body caused by alcohol can be reversed after a month of not drinking alcohol if you currently drink in moderation. If you’re a heavy drinker, you may at first have to overcome withdrawal symptoms. These can be severe for some people and it may be recommended that you get professional help. Once you have overcome the withdrawal stage, your body will start healing – within a year, cardiovascular damage can be resolved, and even liver disease may have repaired itself (providing it hasn’t already reached the stage of liver failure). 

Your quality of sleep is likely to improve

Some of us rely on an alcoholic nightcap to get to sleep. There’s no denying that alcohol can make it easier to fall to sleep. However, your overall sleep quality can be reduced by drinking alcohol – alcohol can increase your need to go to the bathroom in the night and it can reduce the amount of time you spend in the important REM stage of sleep. All in all, you’re more likely to wake up feeling groggy after a few drinks than if you drank nothing at all.

If you’re tired of waking up feeling tired, it could be worth cutting out alcohol to see what difference this makes. You could find that you’re much more refreshed and ready to take each day on.

Hangovers can become a thing of the past

When you drink heavily, you’re essentially stealing happiness from the next day. Your body punishes you with a hangover, which typically results in a headache, nausea, fatigue and muscle weakness. Nobody likes a hangover. Unfortunately, they get worse as you get older.

Giving up alcohol allows you to say goodbye to hangovers. This can prevent you wasting the whole next day in bed.

Giving up drinking could improve your appearance

Alcohol doesn’t just negatively affect our health, but also our appearance. The dehydration caused by alcohol’s diuretic effects can result in pale and dry skin. Alcohol can also cause blood vessels to expand, leading to spider veins, redness of the face (rosacea) and bloodshot eyes. On top of this, alcohol can damage our teeth by making our mouth dry, helping bacteria to thrive. The calories in many alcoholic drinks can meanwhile lead to weight gain (men are most likely to develop a ‘beer belly’, whereas women are more likely to see it in the thighs and hips). 

By giving up alcohol, you could reduce all of these effects and naturally improve your looks!

You could save so much money

The average American spends $565 on alcohol per year. Those who drink heavily can easily spend over $2000 in a year. Alcohol prices are only going up – which means more money spent on alcohol in the future for those that drink.

If you’ve been looking for a way to save money during these financially challenging times, giving up alcohol could be the solution. That extra $565 could be money towards food, a new car or even a vacation.

Driving anywhere is now an option

In every US state, you’ll find laws restricting drinking under the influence. Your first offence DUI could result in a range of penalties, while subsequent DUIs can be punished even more severely. Such penalties may include everything from fines to loss of license.

To avoid DUI charges, you have two options: 1) don’t drink or 2) don’t drive. For many people (particularly parents), having the freedom to drive anywhere can be very convenient. Giving up alcohol allows you to drive anywhere without having to worry about risking a DUI charge. It could allow you to stay longer at parties without having to stay overnight or leave your car behind. 

You’ll be more alert and responsible at all times

Alcohol impairs our reactions and reduces our inhibitions. When you drink, you’re more likely to put yourself or others in dangerous situations by not having the same level of awareness. This includes not just driving, but also walking home alone or having to look after kids/pets.

Any future threats you encounter will likely be easier to deal with if you’re no longer drinking. You’re also less likely to find yourself in embarrassing situations or otherwise regretful situations. 

You’ll remember nights out more clearly

What’s the point of a night out if you can’t remember it? After a few drinks, the details of a night out can start to become a bit hazy. 

Giving up alcohol can prevent this from happening. Instead, you’ll be able to remember every moment of future parties and nights out.

Alcohol-free beers/wines are better than ever

Giving up alcohol doesn’t have to mean giving up beer and wine. There are more alcohol-free beers and alcohol-free wines on the market than ever before, and some of them taste just as good as the real thing.

With the alcohol removed, many of these alcohol-free substitutes are actually quite healthy drinks – certainly much better than relying on soda. If you’re at a social event and everyone else is drinking alcohol, these alcohol-free beers and wines can make it easier to blend in. 

These alcohol-free substitutes are sold in most stores, bars and restaurants. There are also many sites online where you can try out new alcohol-free beers and wines.

You don’t need alcohol to have a good time

Some people find it hard to give up alcohol because they see it as a major source of fun in their lives. However, you don’t need alcohol to have a good time. 

Giving up alcohol could be a chance to try out new exciting hobbies and pursue new interests. If you use alcohol as a form of relaxation, consider exploring other relaxing past-times like reading, listening to music and yoga. If alcohol is a source of thrills, consider looking into other healthier thrill-seeker activities like sports, dancing, karaoke, scary movies or spicy foods.

Finding fellow non-drinker friends can be worthwhile. You won’t have the pressure to drink around them and you won’t have to consider pastimes that incorporate alcohol. You may be able to find these people through sites like Meetup, support groups, exercise classes and other social clubs. 


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