How To Make Birthdays Extra Special For Your Kids

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Birthdays are celebrated in all different ways and making it extra special for your children can help create long lasting happy memories. Making it extra special doesn’t always mean spending more and more money, you can make it fun with homemade gifts, surprise parties, giving them more say in what happens.

Personalize Some Of The Elements 

Personalised gifts and decorations always add an extra touch of magic. It makes it special and all about them. You can get personalised banners for the party, gift bags related to your child’s favourite things as well as personalised birthday cards and gifts for them.

Extend The Birthday Celebrations

The best way to make your child’s birthday extra special is to extend the celebrations beyond their day. If you can, plan things that will take place on other days of the week. This way they get a chance to enjoy the moment and feel like they are being treated like royalty for more than just one day.

Some ideas include:

  • taking them out for a picnic in the park, with lots of snacks and games (and maybe even some balloons!)
  • going for a sleepover at a friend’s house, where there will be plenty of fun activities planned throughout the night
  • going to watch their favourite movie at the cinema with popcorn or ice cream
  • booking time for an afternoon bowling session with friends and family

Create A Pinterest Board

Pinterest is a great tool for planning a party. You can save ideas and inspiration, as well as find craft ideas, food ideas and gift ideas for your child’s birthday party. You can also use Pinterest to source presents for the kids who attend your son’s or daughter’s birthday party. This will save you from having to spend hours looking in shops and it means that every child gets something they want instead of just getting another generic toy or clothes item that they don’t really want or need.

Get The Kids Involved In Making Their Own Gifts

You can make your child’s birthday extra special by involving them in the making of their gifts. The first step is to start early. Plan ahead and get your kids involved in the planning, shopping and wrapping of their own gifts. If you’re buying a store-bought gift, let your child take part in soliciting input from family members about what to buy for him or her. If you’re making a homemade gift, ask him or her for suggestions on what he or she would like to make and then work with him/her on creating it together over several days prior to his/her birthday party so that there will be time for both planning and creation before the big day arrives!

Your children won’t remember how much money you spent on their birthday, they will remember how much fun they had and how much time you spent with them. There are a number of ways in which you can make your child’s birthday extra special without spending a lot of money.


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